Unlike for the name and date of birth of a customer, there is no code of practice for verifying the address of a customer. This gives you some flexibility in the approach you take. For example, you may use hardcopies or electronic copies of bills/statement to verify address, provided you are satisfied the copy is genuine. You must verify the address of the customer for where they currently reside, whether this is in NZ or overseas. If your customer is an entity that does not have an address, such as some trusts, you should obtain the address of the person acting on behalf of the trust.
Pursuant to section 16(1)(a) of the AML/CFT Act, you must take reasonable steps to ensure the address information obtained is correct. When doing this, you must use documents, data or information from a reliable and independent source as required by section 13(a) of the Act.
It is a business decision in relation to how your firm chooses to verify an address, and this should be explained in your AML/CFT programme.
Further information can be found here: Customer Due Diligence